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 This is a 3-week+ co-living and co-working program designed for builders & founders to turn fresh ideas into successful web3 projects. Starting a few weeks before Breakpoint (2hr flight away), this is your perfect opportunity to stop by Vietnam to turbocharge any project you’re currently working on.

We are also offering varying grants and scholarships for those that can stay and build for longer stretches.

Superteam Vietnam Growth Funnel at Startup Village



Speakers & Attendees 

Superteam works with some of crypto's biggest companies in Vietnam

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Vietnamese Abroad Scholarships

If you’re a Vietnamese living abroad and are willing to build on a project for at least 6 weeks in Vietnam during Startup Village, then you can earn a scholarship / grants which gives you:

Builder grant up to $10,000 to hire builders and designers
Free Roundtrip Flight
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How does it work?

Submit and application

Get interviewed

If you’re selected into the program, come build with us in Vietnam

Get expert help to build and raise capital for your new project

This program is brought to you in conjunction with

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Ethos fund

Superteam Vietnam Growth Funnel at Startup Village


  • Yes, attendees pay for their own rooms at a partner hotel. Room rates are subsidized and below market rate for the time of year. We’re also offering some free meals, entertainment and office space to work.

  • No. You’ll have to arrange your own flights

  • Citizens of different countries have different visa requirements. Check to see if you need one If you need you can use the same service to get one done for you. 

  • No. Only founders building on the Solana network or working in the ecosystem are eligible to participate at Vietnam Startup Village.

  • No, but you have plenty of great low cost options. Startup Village will also be sponsoring many breakfasts and dinners. Just check the schedule.

  • Yes, we’ll post the public events on and the coworking space will be open to select community members, by approval only.

  • No. The rent is already more than 40% subsidized by Superteam. All events and excursions are free. Total value of the subsidy and events is more than thousands per team assuming a 1 week stay. There are scholarships available for Viet Kieu builders. See details on the main page.

  • We have a few rules that we ask you to follow while you're here:

    1. Substances: No smoking or consumption of illegal substances inside the hostel premises. No underage drinking. No consumption of alcohol at the hostel at all.

    2. Open door policy: All doors will be open between your wake up to sleep times. Be approachable and collaborate, talk to everyone!

    3. Language: Do not use harmful language of any kind (no racial slurs, gender-specific insults, etc.).

    4. Share: If you’re ordering food, be sure to ask your roommates or anyone you’re working around if they’d like to get something too.

    5. Noise: No loud music or excessive noise between 10pm and 10am.

    6. Jackass rule: Don’t be a jackass. Be kind and respectful to others and all shall be fine

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